Public Records Request
A yellow and blue toledo police patch with an eagle on it.

Public Records

The Toledo Police Department Public Records Office processes requests for information under the Ohio Public Records Act. 

Requests for records such as 911 audio, police video, photos, policies and procedures, and bulk (three or more) reports may be made through this page.

Please do not use the Public Records Request Office for a copy of a single report. Information on getting a single crime, incident, or accident report is available on the Getting a Crime Report page.

If an ongoing court case is involved, record requests must go through discovery.  Also, internal TPD complaint investigations must be closed before related material may be released. All records are subject to redaction.

For efficiency, you may submit this Public Records Request form. If using the online form, please submit a separate form for each request. To prevent glitches, save/download the form and then open it in Adobe Reader before filling it out. If you need assistance with completing the Public Records Request Form or to request by phone, call (419) 245-3148.

Submit the Request

In Person:

Toledo Police Department Records Section
Safety Building
525 N. Erie St.
Toledo, OH 43604

By Fax:

(419) 936-3659 

By U.S. Mail:

Toledo Police Department
Public Records Office
525 N. Erie St.
Toledo, Ohio 43604

There may be fees associated with your request and prepayment may be necessary. The current fee schedule is below.

Fee Schedule

Photocopies - $.05 per page for black and white

Photocopies - $.10 per page for color copies

CD/DVD (audio recording, photos, video) - $1.00

Blu-Ray - $2

Flash Drive - $9

Online forms may be found here. 

Toledo Police Video Retention Policy

Dash Cam (in-car) video and Body-Worn video is retained for a period of time depending on the type of incident recorded:
90 Days – Tests, Unclassified Recordings (as of 1/14/21)
1 Year – Traffic Stops, Suspect Stops, Transports
3 Years – Arrest/Evidence, Pursuits, Interviews